Make a Donation


Our services are free for our clients, but as an independent local charity we rely on the support of local organisations and people like you to help us to make a difference.

We are lucky enough to have had two groups who regularly fundraise for us. The Stroud Citizens Advice PR and Fundraising Group cover the Stroud and District area and the Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice fundraise and campaign in the Cotswold and District area.

However, due to changes in the ways fundraising is undertaken in the digital age, the Stroud Citizens Advice PR and Fundraising Group have decided to disband, although the members will still be involved with Citizens Advice and will continue to look after Standing Order donations to the Stroud area.

Formed in 1998, the Group have worked tirelessly for Citizens Advice and it is estimated that over the last nearly 30 years they have raised in the region of half a million pounds for the organisation. The trustees, staff and volunteers would like to offer heartfelt thanks to everyone who has worked in this group.


Fundraising News

 Cirencester Choral Concert for CA

 Choral Cirencester Choral Society’s Christmas  Concert raised an amazing £500 for the Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice!

The concert, which was held in aid of Citizens Advice Cotswold District jointly with The Churn Project, took place in Cirencester  Parish Church on 19th December, and was very well attended. Outside it was a crisp, cold and moonlight evening and that helped capture the Christmas feeling. Inside, the church was beautifully lit and decorated ready for Christmas.

Everyone was treated to a wonderful evening of Christmas music and readings. We are very grateful to  Cirencester Choral Society for choosing to sponsor our advice service.


Stroud Town Christmas Tree Festival

Once again Stroud and Cotswold Citizens Advice have a tree in the Stroud Town Christmas Tree Festival, which lasts from 1st  to 10th December in St Laurence Church in the town centre. The theme is inclusivity and our thanks go to Mandy and Anna and their team for decorating it so beautifully. It is just inside the main door so easy to find.


Stroud Citizens Advice PR and Fundraising Group

The closing of the Stroud Citizens Advice PR and Fundraising Group was celebrated with a lunch at the home of the Chairperson, Ann Horner. CEO Elizabeth Hall attended and expressed her gratitude to those present.






Fundraising News

Moreton in Marsh Fundraising

Many thanks to the volunteers from the Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice who travelled to one of Stroud and Cotswold District’s furthest points, Morton in Marsh, to do some fundraising. It was a surprisingly chilly day, but they still managed to collect about £200 – well done to all involved.  Equally importantly, they were able to advertise the fact that we now have an outreach centre in the Council Offices which is open on Wednesday and Thursday 10-3  (by appointment only). Photo shows volunteer Steve Brawley modelling one of the new fundraisers tabards.



Cirencester Advent Market

On Saturday 25th November staff, volunteers and The Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice took part again in the annual Advent Market held in Cirencester’s beautiful Parish Church and the adjoining Market Place.

The weather was brilliantly sunny, cold and clear, and the market was very well attended. Our table was inside the church and we were entertained in there  by several local choirs and musical acts. At the end of the day, in the Market Place, the street lights were turned on and fireworks let off from the top of the church tower while a bright moon shone down on us.

Our table, standing alongside displays from other local charities, was overflowing with books, information leaflets and Christmas Cards. The book display, once again expertly curated by Katerina, was  very popular. Many of the books were kindly donated by a local branch of a well known bookseller. We  even seem to have attracted some potential volunteer advisors, but the main aim was to show that our local advice service is an integral part of the community, and we felt right in the middle of it today.

The Phoenix Festival

Once again, the Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice had a stall at the Cirencester Phoenix Festival on behalf of CASCD showing that we are, as ever, in the centre of the community.

We enjoyed the sun while it was there, and dealt with rain and wind, and held firm even when next door’s tent blew right over! Lots of books were taken in return for donations and lots of grown ups and kids couldn’t resist the challenge of  our “Climbing the wall” game.Many thanks to all who donated and helped, in particular to Val and Katerina who were there for both days.







Fundraising Ideas

Whether it’s

  • through making a donation,
  • organising your own event,
  • helping run an event or street
  • choosing us as your organisation’s Charity of the Year

you can get involved and make a difference.

Who we help

Over the winter, there was a desperate need for funds to help people who had come to us with emergencies such as urgently needing energy top ups, help with travel. Both Stroud Citizens Advice Fundraising Group and Friends of Cotswold Citizens Advice donated £250 each to the fund to help families and individuals in need.