Our Services
Information for Carers
Citizens Advice Stroud & Cotswold can provide information and advice to carers, and those they care for, on their benefit entitlement, their right to financial support through the Household Support Fund and to help them learn more about how a smart meter could help them understand their energy bills.
The main benefit that you can claim if you are a carer is Carers Allowance. If you live in the UK, are over 16 years old, spend at least 35 hours per week caring for someone who claims a disability benefit such as Personal Independence Payment, Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance, then you may be eligible to claim. You can make a claim even if you are working as long as you are earning less than £139 per week after expenses and deductions.
Sometimes eligibility for Carers Allowance can give you extra amounts, called premiums in other benefits such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit and may also give you extra help with your rent or Council Tax.
There is more information in the link below
You can claim Carer’s Allowance online
or you can call for a paper claim pack 0800 731 0297
If you provide care for someone and they are not claiming any of the above disability benefits, there is more information on our website and details of how to make a claim.
Household Support Fund
We have been allocated some funding from Cotswold District Council’s Household Support Fund to distribute to Carers who are resident within the Cotswold District. This money can be used to help with energy costs and wider essentials and can include a supermarket voucher. Please get in touch with us if you are a Carer, you don’t need to be in receipt of Carers Allowance to be eligible and we can help if you are struggling with the rising cost of living and also providing care for a relative or friend on a regular basis. As part of this service, we are also able to provide a benefit check and benefit advice to any interested applicants.
Smart Meters
As well as our main advice service, Citizens Advice Stroud & Cotswold also runs several projects covering money advice, energy advice, advice and support to foodbank beneficiaries and financial capability. These projects help our clients tackle the current cost of living crisis, via face-to-face and telephone contact, with project staff based in our Stroud & Cirencester offices and the local foodbanks.
We also offer specialist welfare benefits casework and immigration advice.
Specialist Casework
Debt Casework
We have debt caseworkers qualified to FCA standards who can help our clients identify the best solution to address their debts and take them through the process to a conclusion.
Welfare benefits Casework
Our experienced welfare benefits caseworkers and specialists can assist with appeals and complex benefits issues including providing submissions to tribunals.
Foodbank Advice
Our advisers work alongside the local foodbanks to offer support to those people coming in for help. We attend the food banks in Stroud, Cirencester and the North Cotswolds.
We also have a dedicated Debt Caseworker attached to this project.

Help at Community Hubs
We are joining other support services by offering advice at Community Centres.
For details check your council or community newsletter/website.

Get Energy Advice and Help
Energy advice and help
Over 8 million people, representing 16% of UK adults, live in fuel poverty.
Our energy advice team is dedicated to helping to combat fuel poverty by providing advice and support to people experiencing difficulties with their energy costs or who are at risk of fuel poverty.
Smart meters project
This year we are providing information and awareness to help vulnerable clients get the information they need to help them feel more in control of their energy costs. We are targeting carers and the people they care for.
Our advisers can explain how a smart meter and the in-home display (IHD) work and how they can help consumers see what they’re spending and help them make small changes around the home to use less energy, which could save them money too.

We can provide advice and assistance with applications to the European Union Settlement Scheme as well as other immigration issues.
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For current vacancies, please visit our Join Us page for regular updates.
Join Us – Stroud and Cotswold Districts (citizensadvice-stroudandcotswold.org.uk)